How to Find a Dealer To purchase any Crimsafe security products you will need to find a dealer near you. Finding a dealer is extremely easy! First, visit, once you are here you can browse our products, which vary from security doors, security windows, and outdoor areas as well as products that offer bushfire and hurricane protection. To find a dealer near you visit our locations and dealers page. Here you will be prompted to enter either your zip code or the zip code of the area you are looking to find a Crimsafe Security Screens dealer, or you have the option to view all dealers. Get a Free Quote Once you have found your local dealer, you can request a FREE quote. This will include basic information like your name, email, phone number, zip code, and any additional comments or questions you may have. Once you have submitted your information to your local dealer, they will reach out about scheduling an in-home appointment, you will receive expert-level advise about your project and get your free quote. During your in-home visit, you will receive a free measure of all the areas you want to install Crimsafe Security Screens, as each of our products is made-to-measure. Customizations Crimsafe Security Screens are all about giving you full control over the product you want to install in your home. We offer 3 levels of protection you can choose from Crimsafe Regular, Crimsafe Ultimate, and Crimsafe IQ. All of our products are tested and proven to withstand prying from a crowbar, knife steering from a blade or box cutter, high impacts like from someone kicking it or airborne debris, and are tamper resistant. Although named Crimsafe Regular Security screen, these screens are anything but regular. Our Regular line can withstand up to 369 foot-pounds of force and can be adapted to fit any custom shape opening. Crimsafe Ultimate is 40% stronger than Crimsafe Regular withstanding up to 553 foot-pounds of force because of how many screws are used to lock the mesh into the frame. Crimsafe IQ is our smart option for your door. Connect to a smartphone or use the key-code entry to lock or unlock. Qi is available for hinged doors and is made with reinforced heavy-duty hinges, 6 or 10 locking points, and a wider, stronger frame. Once you have chosen your level of protection, you need to choose what type of security door or window you would like from our wide variety. And the customizations don’t stop, you also get to pick from 3 colors for your frame color: adobe tan, bronze, and white. Contact Crimsafe If you’re ready to take the first step in protecting your home or business from the damage of hurricanes and want more information about Crimsafe Hurricane Screens, reach out to our team and we’ll get you into contact with your nearest Crimsafe dealer to set up a consultation.